October 15th --> Report to Maxwell AFB, Mongomery, AL for COTS (commissioned officer training)
November 16th --> Graduation from COTS (I expect to you there Dad and Marty)
December 1st --> Late possible day to arrive at Schriever AFB, Colorado Springs (I expect to be there around Nov. 21)
Be the peon in the office for 2 whole months. I'll be low man on the officer totem pole as a 1st LT.
Mid February --> Report back to Maxwell AFB for JASOC (JAG school/military lawyer school)
Mid April --> Graduate from JASOC. During this time, we'll be flown up to the Pentagon where we will be sworn in by the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals. (Pretty awesome).
Then it's back to Colorado Springs to start my 2 year term there, where I go after those 2 years, who knows!
In short, I'll be a military ping pong ball for the time being.
Where is Archer you ask?
Archer is staying with some of the best people I know in the entire world. The Smeltzers have taken him in with loving arms and are treating him like a king! Well, when he's not a puddle of puppy on the floor after playing all day with their 2 dogs.
As you can see... he's packed and ready to come!
He won't be joining me until I'm done with all training, so not until around early May.
I honestly can't wait to see his spoiled butt in the snow, although he'll be thrilled that the entire world is now Air Conditioned.
I do need to find him some little snow booties though... any suggestions?
That is a lot of back and forth travel, but I'm sure you'll have some neat stories to tell. Archer is doing fine, and did I mention that I like tired dogs? It is awesome to watch them exhaust each other. But, really gross when they french kiss. Bleh dogs are gross.